Nexsure® Release (11-19-2021)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Users can now change the first check number when Batch Printing within Edge and Chrome
- Added the ability to bookmark all the Accounting sub tabs within all entity levels
- Beginning with any new Action created after the Service Pack release, the Memo will now populate the previous Memo data if no new data is entered into the Memo section. Previously, if no Memo data was entered and the Action was saved, it would say "No Message"
- When selecting an Acord certificate via Servicing, the system will now remember the last Acord certificate used. This Acord certificate will remain the default when creating certificates until a different Acord is selected at which point that newly selected Acord will become the new certificate default
- Added a warning message when renewing a policy more than once letting the user know the policy has already been renewed. Users can still create the renewal more than once, if needed, by clicking OK to the message
- Changed "Issue" to "Save and Issue" within the details of a holder on the Certificate Holder tab on a certificate. When clicked, it will save any data changed on the holder and issue the holder with one click
- When clicking into an email within the user's Inbox that has attachments, the user will now have the option to add any or all the attachments on the email to the Action when clicking the Accept and Create Action button. A checkbox saying "Include selected attachments if action created" will show within the Attachments tab of the email. Checking the box and selecting the desired attachments will add them to the Action when the Accept and Create Action button is clicked
Document Management
- Added a feature to be able to view Client Level attachments when using the Deliver option within a certificate. A new filter option is now available within the "Others" section on the delivery screen allowing you to view and select certificate level attachments only or all attachments on the client
- Added a checkbox on eDoc downloads to be able to show all policies on the client regardless of the LOB. Clicking the "Could Not Determine Policy" exception link brings up the policy search screen which now has a checkbox that when clicked, shows all the policies on the client
- Updated Arrowhead General Coverage Codes
- Added the ACORD 124 New Jersey Supplement
- Updated the ACORD 67 California Residential Property Insurance Disclosure form to the 2021/02 version
- Updated the ACORD 127 TN to the 2015/12 version and updated the ACORD 137 TN to the 2021/11 version
- Added "1 Day" to the "Number of days after which users must be presented with MFA" option within Multi-Factor Authentication. NOTE: This is based on 24 hours
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which the Out of Sequence post pop up window was appearing when posting an endorsement that was not out of sequence
- Corrected an issue in Edge and Chrome in which updating the Billing and/or Issuing Company, clicking Save Changes and then OK in the pop up was not saving the new carriers
- Previously, hitting the Enter key while on the filter screen during the renewal process from Servicing would not do anything. Now when entering any data within the filters and hitting the Enter key, you proceed just as if you had clicked the Search button
- Corrected an issue with the Delivery Templates in which the LOB variable was not populating correctly on package policies
Document Management
- Corrected an issue in which the variables were not showing for Taxes within Edge/Chrome document templates
- Corrected an issue in which users were at times not able to see all the eService workflows due to the inability to scroll within the eService pop up window